Facets of a Muse

Examining the guiding genius of writers everywhere

Writer = yes, marketer = not so much


Hope everyone had a good Easter/Passover/Spring or whatever you celebrated (or didn’t). The weekend was gorgeous here, all sunny and spring-like. Family, food, and got to catch up a bit with the in-laws.

I think Winter is still trying to steal the spotlight, though. Forecast for today: wintry mix. C’mon, already. Give it up. Go on vacation until Turkey Day.

Everything is getting nice and green. The trees are starting to put their leaves on. I can’t wait until they start flowering. There’s nothing quite like driving through town with trees flowering. Roll down the window and smell the beauty!

Now that Easter is over, I get to put more time into marketing *cringe*. I know it’s a necessary part of the process, but now that I’m getting back into the writing groove, it’s taking time away from what I want–need–to do. Write.

One step at a time. I have to break things down into small bites, or I get too overwhelmed. This week I did an interview with a local podcaster who talks to Minnesota authors. That was fun, and we did it at the library in the city where I work (IĀ  think I found a great new place to focus šŸ™‚ ). She said she would let me know when the podcast will “air”, but not until later in May or June.

Today is Book Launch Party day! The local library director has been super in organizing this (yes, this is the library I substitute at) with ad announcements in the local paper, and even put the announcement on the light sign outside the city offices on the main drag into town:

light sign 1_crMy name in lights!

It’s my first book launch party, and the library director has never held one; even though the library has hosted a number of authors, there hasn’t been a launch party. When I checked into how to do a launch party, everyone does things a little differently. One of my Writing Sisters had some great ideas that will be fun.

A number of my family members plan to be there, and some local friends. I’ll draft my daughter to take pics. So what does one do at a launch party? I figure the usual author stuff: introduction, how long it took to write the book, where the idea came from–the questions I’ve been asked most often so far. Read a chapter, and hold a drawing. I’m testing the idea of having a prize that might translate to online giveaway drawings. I’ve got these:

drawing cups kona If you have read the book, kona coffee is in there. I haven’t done any online drawings yet, but I’m thinking a mug and coffee might be a good prize. What do you think? I also have other items to give away for promo stuff online, but I haven’t had a chance to look into doing that. It’s on my list. I can always do something with my newsletter–which I haven’t kicked off yet, either. Sigh.

When I found out today is Independent Bookstore Day–man, I could have set up something today at a bookstore. The Midwest Indie Bookstore organization is running a passport sort of thing to encourage people to visit independent bookstores over the summer, so they have a nice, convenient list of indies in MN, WI, etc; I can approach these stores in the future.Ā  Next week I’m doing an author signing with another mystery writer at a local indie. He’s visited a number of bookstores, so I’ll get some info from him.

I’ll let you know how things go today. I’m not keen on being the center of attention. I know I need to write more books to keep the momentum, and I’m struggling with putting that into the mix of full-time job and part-time book promoter. I’m still behind reading blogs, so I’m sorry about that. I’m trying to catch up šŸ™‚

Enjoy your weekend! May your spring flowers start blooming!

zoey couch1

Author: Julie Holmes, author

A fiction writer since elementary school (many years ago), and NaNoWriMo annual participant for over a decade, I have been published in small press magazines such as "Fighting Chance" and "The Galactic Citizen". I write adult mystery with a touch of romance, mystery with extrasensory elements, contemporary fantasy, and epic fantasy, and I'm represented by the fabulous Cynthia Zigmund of Second City Publishing Services. My debut novel, "Murder in Plane Sight", has been released by Camel Press (an imprint of Coffeetown Press/Epicenter Press). In real life, I am a technical writer and empty-nester with a wonderful hubby, three cats (what writer doesn't have cats??), and more chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits than any garden should have to deal with. My garden, our hobby farm, and Nature's annual seasons are some of my muses.

26 thoughts on “Writer = yes, marketer = not so much

  1. Personally, I think marketing is a thing all writers have to do. We may like it, hate it, cringe at it, or whatever, but it’s important if we’re going to sell books. That’s sort of how it is, especially in today’s world…

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so right, Margot! It is important to market our books, and it is a juggling act to spend time on marketing while writing the next book, especially working full-time. Part of me wants to take a 6-month sabbatical just to write šŸ˜€

      Enjoy your week!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with you on the marketing. It’s not easy for me to do but a necessary part of being an author. Best of luck today!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Julie, first let me congratulate you. How exciting to have such an official launch. You
    will be a bit nervous but overtaken by the fun.
    Normally these events are positive as people really are interested in literature.

    As to things, you can’t go wrong with me when it comes to coffee and a nice mug.
    I am sure you will be flooded with ideas. Main thing is that you connect with the
    All the best


    Liked by 1 person

    • You are right, Miriam! People are interested in both the writing and the author. The day went well, and better than I anticipated. And the mug and coffee were a hit, so I think I might have to use those again šŸ˜€

      Have a wonderful week!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Marketing makes my head hurt. And my heart. You aren’t alone. Congrats on the podcast and Happy Book Launch Party Day!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good luck with this event. I’m so impressed with your energy! I look forward to hearing how it goes.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love when everything starts blooming. Our dogwoods just started and are one of my favorites. Congrats on your launch, Julie! Your coffee giveaway is a great idea. Never enough time in the day to do everything we want or need to. I look forward to hearing about your launch and your upcoming author event. Enjoy and have an amazing weekend, Julie:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m still waiting for things to start blooming–I love the fresh green of the grass and new leaves, but the bright colors of spring flowers adds an extra delight šŸ˜€ And you are so right, there’s never enough time to do all the stuff we need to do. I’ll post an update next week. Things went pretty well, I think.

      Have a wonderful week, Denise!

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  7. That’s an adorable picture of Zoey. Your name in lights is phenomenal! (I wanted to write that all in caps, but restrained myself.) Seriously, what a milestone. Go you with your launching and your signings! Before I sat down to the computer today, I was thinking about the webcast I did recently for the parenting book. Only 13 people bought the book afterward, the publisher said. I realized I hadn’t been marketing the book, I’d just been giving parenting advice and that I’m not so great a marketer. Then I sit down and see your post title and sort of chuckle. I gotcha, sister. But you’re miles ahead of me. Go get it, girl!

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL! “Restrained” yourself! Marketing is a whole different way of thinking, especially for an introvert who is also a Minnesotan and likes to stay in the background. The launch party went well, though. Better than I anticipated. The best was the enthusiasm of one of the library league members who is a voracious reader of mysteries of all kinds. And a discerning reader–there are authors she won’t read because of this or that. I’ll post an update next week.

      Zoey says “hi”, and psst, we got six new chicks (but I won’t tell you we lost our three laying hens–2 to the dog who dug under the pen and one to a local bald eagle (we think)).

      Have a great week, Betsy!


  8. “Marketing, not so much.” You sound like me, Julie, but having said that, you’re doing great! You have more lined up for the summer than I manage all year. Have a fun launch party. Your giveaways look great. Happy Marketing!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow! Your name in lights! šŸ˜€ Julie, huge congratulations and I hope the book launch went brilliantly! You seem to have covered all the bases and good idea about the draw! Love the mugs! Promotion sucks time out of the day … and not a favourite for most authors (myself included!) however, I find once the events start itā€™s a buzz and lots of fun. Hope youā€™re having a wonderful weekend and remember … breathe! Take a tip from your most relaxed moggy and chill out now and then! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Annika! The book launch event went better than I anticipated. One of the best parts was the enthusiasm of one of the library league members who is a voracious, yet discerning reader. She loved the book šŸ˜€ This coming Saturday I am doing an author signing event with another writer at a local indie bookstore, so I’m hoping that will go well. So much to do–and remember to do–and it seems like there’s never enough time. Or energy.

      Have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. How totally awesome that your name is out there in lights!! I love the promo the library is doing for you. What a great connection and a great place to work even if it is part time.

    I think promoting is the biggest headache for all authors, but you have great things in the works and great ideas. Cutie Zoey is clearly cheering you on, too.

    Wishing you all the best,–and plenty of time to juggle it all, LOL!

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    • Thanks, Mae! The library is a great place, and even though the library director had to bow out (her 3rd grandbaby arrived), the library league was there. So supportive! The event went better than I expected, and a bonus: one of the library league members read and loved the book šŸ˜€ Now, if I had more time …

      Have a wonderful week!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I love seeing the sign with your name lit up on it, Julie. I agree with you – marketing is not what I want to do. But you are killing it! I hope you soak up the attention and thoroughly enjoy your launch party. I was very apprehensive about mine, but had a blast! Youā€™ve worked hard, and now itā€™s time to celebrate!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I suspect very few–if any–authors want to do marketing stuff. It’s a necessary evil if one wants to sell books. Which is kinda the point. I’m really hoping for more writing time. Okay, have to plan writing time. The launch party went better than I expected, which was encouraging!

      Have a great week, Molly!

      Liked by 1 person

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