Facets of a Muse

Examining the guiding genius of writers everywhere


New year, new adventures #amwriting

Welcome to 2024! We’ve just cleared the warmest December on record here in MN, with almost no snow where I live. Yet. They’ve even cancelled the Beargrease Dogsled race. Hell, it’s barely been below freezing; very few of the lakes, if any, have enough ice to walk on, much less drive on. Generally, by this time, there’s enough ice for ice fishing fundraisers. Even the polar bear plunge (fundraiser on New Year’s Day that crazy people participate in) didn’t need ice cutters.

Not a fan of climate change. Sure, I like that we haven’t had to snowblow the driveway yet, but without the bitter cold, how many bugs that normally die with the cold winters will survive to torment us come spring and summer? Ugh. The best part about winter–no bugs!

Anyway, it’s the start of a new year, and an opportunity to lay out goals. Small goals, because those are easier to accomplish. And accomplished small goals can add up to a lot by the end of the year.

I’ve got the rights to my first book back now, so I’m going to take this as an opportunity to revamp my website. I might even add the blog to it, but as of right now, the blog and my website are separate. The toughest part of web design, in my opinion, is figuring out what you want it to look like. I’ve looked at a lot of different author websites, and I like stuff from each one, but none feel like “oh, that’s the design that feels right for me.” I’m starting slow, and maybe I’ll run into something that “clicks” for me.

Which brings me to Book 2. My agent submitted Book 2 to a number of different publishers this week, so now it’s a waiting game. Crossing fingers!

Then there are the short stories. I’ve drafted one for our group’s anthology, and I’ve sketched out another to submit for our chapter’s anthology. Not drafted yet, but I can start this weekend. And on my “have to do this” list is my police procedural. Now that my class is over …

Oh yeah. My last class for my Technical Communications certificate starts on Monday. So, one more college course to go. Crossing my fingers it won’t be as time-consuming as my class last fall.

Time also to decide which conventions to go to. I’ll be heading to Seattle for this year’s Left Coast Crime in April. As for Bouchercon, I had planned to go to Nashville for that, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought a smaller conference would be better. Bouchercon is great for exposure, provided one is fortunate enough to get on a panel. They’ve just sent an email, though, saying they’re capping registrants at 2,000. Ugh. That’s a LOT of people, and though it’s a great opportunity to network, I think smaller conventions give more bang for the buck. Killer Nashville is the weekend before Bouchercon. Malice Domestic is two weeks after LCC. Thrillerfest is in NYC; hard pass for me (I have absolutely NO desire to go to NYC. Ever. Unless I could beam into the Museum of Natural History.).

So, maybe Killer Nashville for me.

That’s my start, anyway. I see at least one personal writing retreat in my future, and maybe 2, depending. Hopefully a new book contract will be in there somewhere, but getting my police procedural polished up (again!) and subbed to my agent will be another opportunity. And my rural MN mystery needs some love. And book 3 needs to be drafted. No shortage of projects!

And a garden. Uff-da. This year will be a limited garden: no cabbage-family (kale, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi), no green beans or cucumbers (cucumber beetle faves), no squash family (pumpkin, zucchini). Which basically leaves salsa ingredients (onions, peppers, tomatoes, cilantro), beets, spinach, potatoes, and sweet corn. Yes, I’m going to do sweet corn; my hubs has tried planting it the past couple years, and it hasn’t grown. I’ll probably plant a bunch of herbs, since I’ll have room. And I’ve been toying with the idea of planting artichokes. Just for fun.

So that’s my first look at the year ahead. What have you got planned?

Writing, I hope!