Facets of a Muse

Examining the guiding genius of writers everywhere

Saturday sigh


Nope. I got nuthin’. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

I don’t know what to write about this week. No new updates on the manuscript front. No ideas from the writers’ grab bag.

Weeding. Taming tomato plants, picking beans, prolific zucchini (big surprise there–not), and patrolling for cabbage worms. Boooring.

Shameless plugs for writing sisters who have books out recently or coming out soon:

Crossing the Line

St. Mary’s Private Dancer

Progress report? Finishing the last edits on my 20 pages to send to my writing sisters. In two weeks I’ll be in Wisconsin at our reunion. I can’t wait!

Hmm, anything useful for fellow writers? Updates on the publishing journey?

I have been reading some good blog posts lately about writing and how important patience and persistence are. I was thinking about my current adventure I’m taking, courtesy of my agent. She started sending the manuscript out in February. It’s now almost the end of July, and we’re still “pounding the pavement”. There are a handful of editors who haven’t said “yea” or “nay”; actually, they haven’t said much at all.

It’s a waiting game. And even once a publisher picks up the manuscript (crossing fingers here!), I know it’ll be at least a year before release, because that’s how long it takes. This is the patience part.

If this manuscript doesn’t sell, I’ve got another one ready to go. It’s just a matter of whether my agent will like it enough to represent it. If not, I’m working on my old “new” WIP, but that won’t be ready until closer to the end of the year. I’ll talk to my agent about next steps.

And I might have to start the hunt all over again (I hope not, because I really like my agent). This is the persistence part. This business is not for anyone who likes instant gratification. Short fiction would have a shorter timeline, and I’ve had short stories published (B.C.–Before Children), so that’s an option.

Bottom line: Keep writing. Keep learning, improving, practicing. Every draft, every query, every rejection is another step on the journey. Keep moving forward.

Okay, that’s about all I’ve got. Heading to my dad’s to see my sister today. I only see her a couple times a year since she lives in WI, so I’m looking forward to catching up a little with her. Gotta finish my 20 pages, so I’m going to sign off.

Have a great weekend! Wear sunscreen, keep hydrated, and WRITE!

Author: Julie Holmes, author

A fiction writer since elementary school (many years ago), and NaNoWriMo annual participant for over a decade, I have been published in small press magazines such as "Fighting Chance" and "The Galactic Citizen". I write adult mystery with a touch of romance, mystery with extrasensory elements, contemporary fantasy, and epic fantasy, and I'm represented by the fabulous Cynthia Zigmund of Second City Publishing Services. My debut novel, "Murder in Plane Sight", has been released by Camel Press (an imprint of Coffeetown Press/Epicenter Press). In real life, I am a technical writer and empty-nester with a wonderful hubby, three cats (what writer doesn't have cats??), and more chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits than any garden should have to deal with. My garden, our hobby farm, and Nature's annual seasons are some of my muses.

11 thoughts on “Saturday sigh

  1. It is a lesson in patience for sure, Julie. Have fun with family and with your writing sisters! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, the weekend has wound down to a close and I’m just now catching up with blog posts and email. I tend to disappear every weekend (from Friday night to Sunday night), using that time to unwind and also add word count to the WIP. I managed 5K this weekend, 6K shy of my goal. Still, it’s progress so I’m pleased.

    Writing and publishing is definitely a waiting game. It’s strange, because while I’ve been turning in pre-marketing material for a book releasing next summer (and writing that book), I’m also doing promo for a recent release. The time line is definitely in constant flux.

    Enjoy your time with your writing sisters. Moments like those are “wow moments” among the daily ups and downs all writers face. It’s what keeps us going. You are soooo close to crossing the next line. Don’t let anything stop you from getting there. I have complete confidence it’s just around the corner!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, 5K! Far more than I’ve written in the past, hmm, few weeks combined πŸ™‚ I’m counting down to next week (holy cow, it’s almost the end of July! Where did the summer go?) and can’t wait.

      Well, I can, sort of, with this whole publishing thing. My agent (and me too!) was thinking there’d be more positive responses by now, but she’s still working on it. I’ve got another book ready, so I’m hoping she’ll want to rep that one as well. I know this business is a marathon, not a sprint, but there’s a lot of waiting involved.

      Congrats on PP3 coming out, and good luck with the next one! (promo for the next book already? And you’re still writing it? You go, girl! πŸ˜€ )

      Have a great week, Mae!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Some weeks feel like that–slow, same, and uninspiring. Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry you haven’t snagged a publisher yet. I’m biting my nails over here on your behalf. You seem to have a healthy attitude about it all, though.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Shameless plugs are good. πŸ™‚ Good advice on the write.

    Liked by 1 person

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